Our patients and their families mean the world to me. My team and I are united by a common mission to provide the very best customer service and highest quality dental care possible. We are always happy to see our visitors and never take any of them for granted. Each is greeted with a genuine smile, because we are glad to see them. This is a warm, inviting place, and my team is always upbeat and personable. It is not unusual to hear laughter from us and our patients.
Patients that suffer undue dental anxiety or worries soon learn this is a place where they will feel safe, secure, and confident about receiving painless treatment. It is never surprising for us to see the enthusiasm in our return visitors. Children especially enjoy their time with us.
I am truly grateful for my patients allowing me to take care of them and their family’s dental needs and very much pride myself on creating smiles and oral health to last the test of time. This practice opened in 1991 and have been in the same location since. Over the years, we have expanded and improved to bring top-notch dental care to our area.
I enjoy people and my profession, which is just one of the many reasons I consider myself blessed to be involved in this profession and sincerely look forward to coming into work.
The educational foundation I employ every day was obtained at The Ohio State University College of Dentistry, where I received my Doctorate of Dental Surgery. However, I believe it is critical for me to continue to learn and grow as a professional, and remain aware of changes and developments within my field, as I better my skills and work to widen the breadth of services that I am able to offer those I serve. This past year, for example, I have completed over 100 hours of continuing education focusing on dental implant surgery. My patients deserve, and as a professional I assure they only receive, the highest quality care available.
Meet the Doctor
Through the free exchange of skills and knowledge with other members of my professional community, I am given access to a steady stream of clinical, research, and technical information, which keeps me up-to-date on the latest developments in my field. All of this I am then able to put to work in my practice, for the benefit of my patents and the standard of the care they receive.
Though I was born in the Philippines, I have lived in Cambridge for most of my life and reside here with my wife, Susan. We have three children, Christopher, Andrew, and Lauren. We are very proud of their accomplishments and enjoy their company as young adults.
In my spare time, I love being with my family and friends. I also enjoy exercise and frequently go to the YMCA. I am a big fan of Ohio State sports, especially football and basketball.
Smile From the Heart
Being a part of this community means much to me, so I try to participate in several meaningful ways. Faith is very important, so I am involved in our church. Additionally, I am active in the Cambridge Chamber of Commerce. This year we will hold our 4th Annual Dentistry From the Heart, through which we will provide dental care to those who would not otherwise have access to such critical services. We also look forward to expanding this to our area veterans and active military through our annual Day of FREE Dentistry event, “Stars, Stripes & Smiles”. I have also been on a mission trip to the Dominican Republic where I was able to offer my professional skills to aid others who lacked access to dental care.
I truly believe this. So much so I wrote and published a book on how you can find your smile and find your joy when visiting the dentist. Your dental health is not only vital to your personal wellness, it also plays a significant role in your systemic and overall well-being. You shouldn’t fear the dentist, you should look forward to each and every visit. This book reviews how Woodlawn Dental Center offers a uniquely comfortable experience and how to best care for your smile through each of life’s stages. Improve your overall health, increase your self-confidence, reduce your risk of disease, and unlock your full potential with a complimentary copy of Your Smile is a Gift: Look Younger and Feel Healthier with Your Smile during your visit at Woodlawn Dental Care!
New Patients:
(740) 982-1579
Current Patients:
(740) 439- 4799
1109 Woodlawn Avenue
Cambridge, Ohio 43725
Office Hours:
Monday 8:00am – 4:00pm
Tuesday 8:00am – 5:00pm
Wednesday 8:00am – 4:00pm
Thursday 8:00am -5:00pm
Friday 8:00am – 4:00pm