Relaxing Care with Sedation Dentistry
Do dental appointments make you nervous? Or do you have so much dental anxiety, you keep putting off visiting the dentist? Maybe you or your child finds it nearly impossible to sit still for a teeth cleaning. No matter your situation, our sedation dentistry in Cambridge, OH can help you relax and enjoy your dental experiences with us! Our sedation services range from nitrous oxide for children and adults to oral sedation and custom IV sedation for dental surgeries. It’s important to our team at Woodlawn Dental Center that you feel at ease at your appointments so we can help you receive the dental care you need to maintain great oral health!
The Many Benefits of Dental Sedation
- Don’t fear coming to the dentist ever again
- Enjoy a relaxing and calm experience
- “Sleep” comfortably through your treatment
- Sit calmly for longer periods of time
- No longer be worried about a gag reflex
- Get the dental care your smile needs
Our Calming Sedation Services
We offer sedation dentistry for both pediatric and adult patients. Our dentists are trained in these services and bring in more specialized dental anesthesiologists when IV sedation is needed. We’ve equipped our office with the resources required to ensure your complete safety and comfort while under sedation. Depending on your level of anxiety or situation, we provide the following options:
Nitrous Oxide
Nitrous oxide is breathed in through a mask that fits comfortably over your nose. This sedation is continuous and can be adjusted to provide relaxing effects. You may experience slight euphoria and will remain calm during your entire appointment. Once the mask is removed, the nitrous oxide will wear off quickly and leave no aftereffects. Nitrous oxide is beneficial for pediatric sedation dentistry and is safe for kids.
Oral Sedation
Oral sedation is an anti-anxiety medication taken in pill form before your appointment. This sedation helps to calm your nerves and can keep you feeling relaxed for your procedure. Since this sedation is taken orally, it can be difficult to control the effects and may be combined with nitrous oxide for a comfortable dental experience.
IV Sedation
IV sedation is administered intravenously by a dental anesthesiologist present at your appointment. This is the most customizable form of conscious sedation and though you’ll remain awake and responsive, you may fall into a light, relaxing “sleep.” IV sedation is ideal for patients with severe dental anxiety or those who need more involved procedures like full mouth dental implants.