For those who have imperfect teeth, there is a great solution! Getting dental veneers in Cambridge, OH is the quickest way to enhance a patient’s smile for years to come. Those who do not have naturally aesthetically appealing teeth could be good candidates for dental veneers. Continue reading to learn more about who could be a candidate for the dental veneer treatment.
What Exactly Are Dental Veneers In Cambridge, OH?
Dental veneers are cosmetic dental devices that can give the appearance of straight, white, and uniform teeth. These dental devices are a thin layer of material, typically porcelain or another natural-looking material, that is placed over the patient’s healthy teeth to give them the appearance they deserve.
The dental veneer treatment involves a minimally invasive bonding procedure. This bonding procedure works by removing a small amount of tooth enamel to guarantee the connection of the dental veneer with the patient’s teeth.
This cosmetic treatment has been used for a variety of dental aesthetic ailments patients can have. This includes crooked teeth, cracked teeth, discolored teeth, gapped teeth, worn-down teeth, and more. All of these teeth imperfections can be hidden behind the healthy-looking coat of dental veneers, allowing patients to smile confidently for years to come.
How Do You Determine Your Candidatcy For Dental Veneers?
For those who are interested in this cosmetic treatment, there are a few things to know about them before jumping into the treatment. Determining if a patient is a candidate for dental veneers is typically done after a consultation. Scans of a patient’s mouth are taken, but there are a few other things to keep in mind.
First, patients have to have functionally healthy teeth. They may not look pretty but they are the necessary base needed for dental veneers. If patients have missing teeth, they may need a dental implant instead of dental veneers.
Second, patients cannot have overly gummy teeth. This would require gum removal which is possible and can be done through a periodontist and other affiliated doctors.
Finally, patients will have to want this treatment. For dental professionals, it is important that the valued patient is included every step of the customized treatment process.
We Can Treat You With Dental Veneers In Cambridge, OH
If you or a loved one is tired of having a worn-out smile, consider our customized dental veneer treatment! We offer state-of-the-art facilities for a variety of treatments, both cosmetic and otherwise.
Get in contact with Dr. Franklin Maximo, Dr. Gregory Harris Jr., and Dr. Chase Culbertson at our Woodlawn Dental Center office to schedule an appointment with us today! We are all dedicated to providing the best quality care to our patients.